United States of Race
Poignant and candid stories that explore what it means to experience race in America - from our earliest childhood memories to our current day social and political beliefs. Some heartbreaking, some cringe-worthy, some uplifting – all very personal. By sharing the stories of when we first learned we are all different, we find the common thread that shows us how much we’re all the same. Follow #unitedstatesofrace for more content at instagram.com/unitedstatesofrace and medium.com/united-states-of-race. If you have a story to share, send us a message at unitedstatesofrace@gmail.com!
Podcasting since 2020 • 22 episodes
United States of Race
Latest Episodes
Episode 5: Everyone Deserves to Rest
Kyra discusses the challenges that come with being the child of an immigrant in the U.S., always pushed to doing her best and be constantly productive. We discuss the critical need for Black and Brown people to find ways to just rest and her jo...
Season 2
Episode 5

Episode 4: Does Reverse Racism Exist?
Chris grew up among a predominantly Hispanic population and came to love the culture, food, and familial ties he was invited into. It cemented his lifelong passion as a chef. But while he realized that it’s the celebration of cultural ...
Season 2
Episode 4

Episode 3: We're Still Here
Grace shares the personal ways in which historical trauma has impacted her life and that of her family, her community, and her tribe. In discussing the lasting effects of the Residential Schools and a system of assimilating Native Americans, sh...
Season 2
Episode 3

Episode 2: This Thing Called Bias
Aware that racism existed, it wasn’t until he was in his teens that Ryan realized that it was happening all around him, whether he saw it or not. In this episode, he shares the uncomfortable moment in which he had to confront his own bias and d...
Season 2
Episode 2

Episode 1: When I Was White
Sarah Valentine is a writer, translator, and teacher of creative writing. She has taught at Princeton, University of California - Los Angeles, University of California - Riverside, and Northwestern University and holds a PhD in Russian literatu...
Season 2
Episode 1